1) In an attempt to spice up my cooking skills, I tried to make this katsu dish that I've seen in Western-style restaurants around here: Pizza Katsu. The "pizza" part was limited to basically "sauce" and "cheese" but think about it guys: what else is on your standard pizza except for sauce, cheese and the dough? Do not attempt to correct me by listing all the toppings; I thought it would be all kinds of redundant to put more meat on top of my meat pizza. I'm making it out of katsu, remember?

Unfortunately, my local supermarket did not have oregano or any basic tomato paste/tomato sauce. I had to settle for pre-prepared spaghetti sauce as the base for my pizza sauce. The taste was, for some strange reason, really sweet.

So these were my basic ingredients - some "fruit" sugar (to counter-act all the garlic I added to the sauce in case I added too much since I don't actually have "teaspoons"), mozarella cheese, olive oil, pepper, the said katsu and the spaghetti sauce.

This katsu was pre made and given to me by my grandmama. It is full of grandmotherly love and some chicken. Maybe some cheese too because this white, gooey stuff leaked out. No, that was probably the love.

SAUCE. I put in enough garlic to make it actually taste like some kind of italian sauce. Added too much pepper (spicy but not in a good way...) so I'll have to remember that. Also, I cooked too much sauce. Will remember that for next time.

The finished katsu....
so, this isn't very aesthetically pleasing. At first I had smeared on a good amount, but found myself looking at some kind of huge red blot. I added the cheese but I did it by chunks (no cheese grater - it's for these moments that you really need those cheese graters, fruit peelers, citrus zester's and ravioli climpers). Then I realized that I made too much sauce, so I poured the rest on. Lemme tell you though, this shit was so cash (re: it was good).

2) I absolutely HATE using public bathrooms. The mess I was unfortunate enough to look on today....dear God, how was that humanly possible....

3) I just got paid. Apparently, according to some Korean tradition, my first paycheck should be used to buy all my relatives some underwear. I have 5 aunts and 1 uncle currently living in my area. They in turn have produced 12 cousins. So, yeah, uh, I'm not done shopping for them yet but....well, anyway, I also bought this expensive jacket. I don't think I'll be using it anytime soon though. The night scene is weak. Also, I really need a drink. It's hard to pretend to be alcohol-abstinent here around my conservative mother. Maybe that point should be number 4.