My mom called me the other day. Our conversations have not changed since I was in high school - she asks me the usual questions (did you eat, are you sick, are you sure you ate, did you eat with rice, etc) and I answer with the usual half-hearted replies (mmm, mmm, mmmmmm, uh-huh, NO MOM I'M NOT GOING TO DO _______).

"Chusok is coming up. You need to give some money to your grandmother."
"uh....we'll see."

Chusok, that Korean Thanksgiving holiday, is reserved for paying respects to your elder relatives (both alive and deceased but mostly the deceased ones). Something about just giving money, though, puts me off. When my mother tells me to do it, I automatically say no.

I think I still have a big authority problem, especially with her. But I was washing my dishes later in the day and I thought to myself....'what should I do for Chusok?'

'oh, probably just hang out with the fam.'
'I should get grandmother something.'
'maybe money.'

Yeah, I definitely have a problem with my mother.